Slug A Bug toy cars

To keep this game a little more family friendly, we play this as a "car bounty"/"spot it" game instead of enduring the melange of bruises and crying that accompanies the traditional game.

This game is perfect for car enthusiasts but can still be simple enough to play for those car novices like myself. In order to play this game to its fullest, it is best to be on roads where there are many car types around, such as a highway or in a city. Playing on an old country road could get uninteresting rather quickly.

My wife is a big car enthusiast, unlike me. So, needless to say, when we play this game she usually creams me. But the more I play the better I get. So if you are car illiterate like myself, it is best to just stick with the car make and not the model or year.

Fun Fact

How To Play


Be the first person to match the make and model of a car.

Game Play

In the simplest version of the car game, someone comes up with a cars make and model. This can be difficult since not every make and model can be found on the road (Model T Ford's anyone?). It's usually easier to first spot a particular car and challenge the other players to find that exact make/model again. The first person to find that car on the road gets a point.

Car Bounty Variation

This variation is reserved for those ultra-car enthusiasts and is usually played throughout the whole trip.

  1. Each player comes up with his/her dream car at the start of the trip. This can be any combination of make, model and year.
  2. While on the road, if that person can find his/her dream car they win. But be warned, if someone else spots it first, you lose and are out of the game.
  3. While difficult, this is not impossible. Try driving through any big city like L.A., for instance, and you will see what we mean. ; )

Do you have any favorite variations on slug a bug?